White House Petition To Defeat Proposed Online Poker Ban
Apr 2015

We all should know that poker may be in danger if a certain proposal passes, as it would ban certain forms of online gambling. There is a slim chance that this proposal will pass in Congress, but it is still better to be safe than sorry. This is why a group has started an official petition through the White House website.
The petition requires a minimum of 100,000 signatures, and it will go towards keeping that ban from ever becoming law. So, sit out on your round of poker for just a few minutes and go to petitions.whitehouse.gov and sign!
The last time we checked, there were already 98,000+ signatures, meaning this has gained so much traction in just a few days. We are confident that reaching 100,000 signatures before May 2nd is possible. This will let Congress know that there are enough people against that proposed ban, and hopefully it is a step closer to fully licensing and regulating online poker all over the United States.
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